Ett trevligt brev från polisen i Edinburgh

Publicerad 27 juli 2013

Vid den fantastiska matchen mot Hibernian FC i Edinburgh var det ca 250 MFF:are på plats och dagen efter fick vår Supporter Liaison Officer (SLO) Peter Åhlander nedanstående trevliga e:mail från Iain Gromett, supporterpolis, Edinburgh.

Good Morning Peter
I hope all went well for you and the rest of the Malmo support last night?
Can I ask you to pass on to the team management and the supporters my personal thanks for the way the supporters conducted themselves in Edinburgh for the duration of their stay?
As you know, I was in the area of Malones (puben där våra supportrar samlades innan matchen) for the period before the game, and with the supporters within the stadium during the match. I also escorted the supporters en-masse as they marched back into Edinburgh towards Frankensteins (nattklubben där våra supportrar samlades efter segern) for the post match celebrations.
At all times I thought the supporters behaviour was exemplary, and a credit to the team and also Malmo as a city. They brought colour, noise, good humour and atmosphere to Edinburgh, and all without a hint of trouble or violence.
I was speaking to a large number of the support throughout the day, and I found them all extremely friendly and a pleasure to deal with. They were all extremely passisonate about Malmo FF, but also respectful of Edinburgh and Hiberian FC.
If I’m ever lucky enough to go back to Malmo, I will certainly make an effort to get back to the Swedbank Stadium, though this time as a Malmo supporter!!
Congratulations on the result, and good luck in the next round at Swansea.
Many Thanks