There are a very limited numbers of parking spaces in the area. Therefore, we strongly recommend using other means of travel when a large attendance is expected. If you are arriving early you might however find a spot on the parking lot across Stadiongatan from Eleda Stadion or on streets around the area.

Since Eleda Stadion is centrally located in Malmö, a bike ride or a walk are two excellent ways to get to Eleda Stadion. It takes about 45 minutes to walk from Malmö Central Station and 15 minutes by bike.

Bus number 3 takes you to Eleda Stadion from Malmö Central Station. In addition, buses number 6, 7 and 34 stop near Eleda Stadion. You can use Skånetrafiken’s travel planner to plan your journey. Visit for more information.

We recommend that you always ask about the price before you begin your journey. If the driver does not want to disclose the price, pick another taxi company. A ride from Malmö city center to Eleda Stadion should cost around 100 SEK, depending on the weekday and hour.

For visitors arriving by train from Copenhagen airport the station closest to the stadium is “Triangeln”.